Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Activities to do from the meeting In Poland


1. Each country to produce one page about the Comenius Project explaining what they have enjoyed and learnt . This will then be part of the Comenius magazine called “Our Comenius friends “ This must be done before the meeting in London. Please send it to Clyde or bring it electronically.

2. Get the winning picture put up in your school before you come to London and bring evidence or put it on the blog.

3. Set up Skype conversation with your school for a conference in London.

4. Continue to communicate with penpals once a month.

5. Comenius partners to continue to be interviewed by children during visits.

6. The partners to continue to produce a drama or song/poetry in another language.
Deadline to be ready for Sweden 2012

7. The children to write a composition on their “Three wills” from “If I catch a goldfish “
Ready for January 2012
8. The partners will write a poem “ I will become….” Ready for December 2011.

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